The mission of the conference is to bring together a group of active and passionate students to share ideas and resources around creating and maintaining student farms and initiatives to further sustainable agriculture, food justice, and other related matters.
This year’s focus topic will be on food justice
Saturday, April 5th, 2025
Financial assistance is available for student travel and registration costs. Please contact Harrison Zoller ( for more information.
Please note: Registration fee covers all meals, coffee, tea, snacks and transportation to local events.
Early Bird Registration
February 1st – March 15th
Students: $12
Non – Students: $45
Standard Pricing:
March 16th – April 4th
Students $18
Non-Students: $52
Walk-in Day-of Pricing:
April 5th
Student: $25
Non-Students: $60
The conference is a one-day event, but we are working on housing solutions on Friday night for students to accommodate those who are traveling long distances. Housing accommodations are on a first come first serve basis. Student housing options require visiting students to bring sleeping bag and pillow and are as follows:
(1) Stay with a Lafayette student volunteer, residing with students who have spare beds or spaces to host conference attendees.
(2) Camp with the Lafayette Outdoor Society, who will provide all necessary camping equipment. Both options are free of charge
Non-students can find a number of local housing options, including The Lafayette Inn.
We do not offer transportation to the conference but we are working with other schools in attendance to organize a carpool/bus option for students. If you are in need of travel assistance, please contact Harrison Zoller ( or Liam Cook (
In the past, students have presented a wide range of topics at the conference, such as:
LaFarm is a sustainability initiative at the College and the cornerstone of the Lafayette College Sustainable Food Loop. LaFarm is a three-acre working farm and community garden focused on diversified vegetables and flowers located at the Metzgar Field Athletic complex in Forks Township. We house production fields, pollinator gardens, high tunnels, and our new greenhouse. LaFarm provides healthy food to campus and the community, fosters multidisciplinary student engagement through classroom participation, enables academic research, and offers volunteer opportunities. Learn more at
The Lafayette Food and Farm Cooperative (LaFFCo) aims to help Lafayette College students develop a sense of ecological citizenship through direct action involving food and agriculture in the Lafayette and Easton community, taking advantage of Lafayette’s multifaceted food network, and working with the actors in that network, while focusing on the importance of all the steps of the food cycle.